Commit Logs

Found a way to include sound, I added a heartbeat like background to the program, simple but works.
Just need to check that the sound is working on a windows computer than I should be all done, the model is working great and definitely shows extreme sensitivity to initial conditions.
Finally added int he resource-need functionality, if they have plentiful resources, new turtles spawn and there is less greed. If they are really low on collected resources then they become more greedy but a turtle might die
changed the color scheme around to be much more accurate, no more arbitrary white patches show up, there is now a clean transistion betwen brown and green. I just need to figure out how to incorporate sound I should be finished
Added a ton more features, the user can now choose pretty much every initial condition that means anything to our system. They can also see the average forest health as it changes over time
The simulation is working pretty well, it definitely shows some chaotic features. Right now I''m just working on tweaking the parameters to extract even more intersting behavior and adding more input sliders to let the user set the conditions
Final commit for the night, I''d say I''m about halfway done with the netlogo portion
Making some more progress, have a decent amount of the turtle logic finished, but a lot of the patch coloring logic needs to be improved. It seems that the turtles are changing the patchs to easily
I think I figured out what I want my model to be about. It''s going to model the depletion of resources and how a given populus reacts to such events. If the entire map is covered in forests than the turtles are more likely to be greedy and want to farm the resources. If the entire map is logged and the forests are gone then the greed will subside and people will want to save the forests, becoming hippies. I think I''m going to throw something in there where we count the number of loggings as incoming resources, and each tick of the clock will use some resources. The greed of the turtles will also depend on how plentiful resources currently are, if they are scarce then people will be more likely to log instead of protect the environment
Pushing some final changes that were made to the CE110 HW4 a day ago, I''m working on my final project for Porter 34B chaos, arts and mathematics. This involves building a netlogo program to demonstrait chaotic behavior.
Final push for HW4, got all of the questions finished on time and turned in but I''m not sure how correct or thorough some of my answers are. Hopefully good enough!
Finally finished filling out the giant ass table, it''s only for question one but it actually is over 60% of the total points for the assignment so I''m doing pretty well. Going to type up a short explanation for the table then move onto the next question, hopefully by 9:30 giving me 2.5 hours to finish up the last problem
Still working on hW4 for CE110, need to finish by midnight tonight then I can begin on my final project for prtr 34b. Then I have to study my ass off for CS and CE final
Starting HW#4, got all of the questions laid out and I''m starting on filling out the table for problem #1
Finished PA5 for CS101 a day or two ago, forgot to perform a final push. Starting on the final homework for CE110 then moving on to the Porter 34B final programming project.
Finally got the topoligcal sort function finished for the graph. It''s now printing the output exactly as expected. All that needs to be done is some inline commenting and the bulding of a testing suite then I''m done with CS101 programming assignments!
Almost done with PA5 for CS101. Got DFS to work and tested it slightly, it''s at bare minimum not seg-faulting anymore, so that''s nice. Now I need to figure out how to print out the parts in sorted order and I''ll be done!
Finally starting on PA_5, it''s due in two days. Transfered over the graph data type from PA#4 and starting converting it to meets the new specifications. I pretty much only need to implement DFS and transpose and the access functions, everything else should carry over just fine.
CE110 HW #3, finally finished. was able to attempt every problem but not able to proofread everything which is not ideal, moving on to studying for CS101 midterm on monday
CE110 HW #3 : Working on problem #4, finished part A and moving onto part B. Still need to go back and proofread some of my answers in questions 1 and 2.